Interested in running for office but don’t know where to start?
This course is an inspiring, insider’s guide to running a dark horse campaign for local elected office.
After winning a moonshot campaign to become the youngest elected council member in my city’s history, I have put together everything you need to know to get your campaign off the ground and through the finish line in a straightforward online course.
For what you might pay for an hour of political consulting, you can discover how to go from the sidelines to being an active participant in bringing about the change your community so badly needs.
Get Elected Without Kissing the Ring
16 Information-Rich Lessons • Checklists, Timelines, and Quizzes • Free 30-minute Zoom Consultation with Henry
Lesson Plan
Are you the best person for the job? Is this the right time for you?
What do you want to be remembered for?
Are you the kind of person who can win a race?
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
How do your strengths and weaknesses match up against your opponents.
Building your house on solid ground.
How to prove you are the best candidate.
Getting the most out of political consultants.
Make your money work for you.
Breaking down the most hated aspect of campaigning.
What people say about you wins races.
You can't win a race on the ballot but you can lose it there.
Getting granular with predictive analytics.
Earning hearts, minds, and votes at the door.
Mailers, flyers, and signs, oh my.
How to keep your sanity the week before the election and win.
Ready to take your campaign to the next level?
I will help transform your race from a popularity contest to a popularity business.