A Millennial’s Guide To Running For Office
In A Millennial’s Guide, Henry Bouchot reveals the secrets of his success in becoming the youngest member in the history of the Whittier City Council. Henry shows readers how, with his unique combination of business education, experience in the Marines, and a drive to disrupt the gerontocracy of modern politics, he was able to create an unbeatable campaign. He takes readers through the journey of his race, giving advice and tips on how to make running for office a successful and rewarding experience.
“Very well written. Mr. Bouchot knows how to tell a tale. This book captures your attention from the first paragraph. You easily find yourself, right along with Henry, living through the decisions and strategy of running for local office, and the anxious anticipation of election night ... as well as the hard work, satisfaction, personal sacrifice and public scrutiny that come with running a city. Packed with wisdom and practical guidance, this book is a great read whether you are thinking of running for office, or simply an interested citizen.”
— candi
“The book was an enjoyable read, and Henry did a great job of explaining the campaign process by using his own experience as a reference point. I would highly recommend this book if you are looking to running for local politics, as it gives you a good framework on how to do so in an efficient and effective manner.”
— bill
“This was a great book for anyone interested in thinking about running for a political office. The book is written in a way that captures your attention from the very first page and keeps your attention throughout the book. The book really looks at how someone can commit to a life of service. The book also provides you with a number of lessons that you could follow to run your own campaign. What was great though is the fact that the book using the character of Henry to walk you through the practical lessons. This made the book easy to read and relate to. The book is packed with great insights and is a book that you can take and learn from right away.”
— dad of divas
“Here is a guide that shows how a trainable person can commit to the hard work of community service. The author's Marine Corps training produced the "focus on the mission" of running a political campaign with the unintentional humor of calling the author a "former" Marine. The lessons learned there stay with a person for life, as this book demonstrates.”
— mr. knowitall
Incredibly well-written. Henry uses his own first-hand experience to create a pragmatic guide for anyone interested in running for office. Beyond the practical aspects of managing a campaign, he also dives into the motivations, strategic mindset, and personal characteristics needed to win elections and be an effective politician. I absolutely recommend this book for any young person who is considering running for office or working on campaigns.